Unfair competition and environmental claims
Within the massive Communication from the EU Commission entitled “Guidance on the interpretation and application of Directive 2005/29/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on unfair business-toconsumer commercial practices in the internal market” (2021/C 526/01) which aims at helping interpret and apply the rules on unfair business-to-consumer commercial practices, mainly Directive 2005/29/EC, transposed in Italy by Legislative Decree No. 146/2007 and EU Directive 2019/2161, there is a chapter dealing with the relationship between unfair commercial practices and environmental claims.
How to overcome the lack of specific rules on environmental claims
A significant part of this massive Communication is devoted to digital services and to the large number of topics related to misleading actions, sometimes with criminal implications in several countries, as well as misleading omissions, aggressive commercial practices and environmental claims intertwined with the information obligations we have discussed so much in recent months.
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